
1. Getting Started - Your first list

Let's build a simple shopping list...

  1. Login
  2. When the first empty list has loaded on the right-hand part of the page, click the "New item" button.
  3. In the panel below (which should have appeared), change the 'Item name' to 'Shopping List' (click save, or press enter)
  4. Click the ">>" button on the 'Shopping List' item displayed in the area above (a new empty list should appear to the right of the first list)
  5. Click the 'New item' button in the new list and add some shopping items ('fruit', 'yogurt','fish' etc)
  6. That's it. You have just created your first list.

2. Ordering items in a list

To order items within a list, simply click on an item with the mouse and move the item up or down within the list to select its new position. When the mouse button is released, the new list order will be saved.

3. Using the 'Transit List' to move items around

(coming soon)

4. Publishing content on the Internet

(coming soon)

5. Generating 'QR Codes' for mobile access

  1. (follows on from "Getting Started - Your first list")
  2. Click on the 'Shopping list' item in the first list on the left.
  3. On the panel below, click the 'Publishing' tab and click the 'Click here to publish this item...' button
  4. Now click the 'Click here to generate a "QR code" for easy mobile access...' button, which should now be available
  5. Scan the QR Code with your phone... :-)
  6. You could of course, print the QR code and stick it on the fridge door. You can now keep the shopping list up-to-date and the same QR code will always take you to the latest content.

6. Sharing items with other users

(coming soon)